Friday, October 19, 2012

July 7 - phalarope chicks

Four Red-necked Phalarope chicks shown here in the nest

Tomorrow is my last full day here, weather permitting. It just struck me tonight – and it will be weird not waking up here every day.
Today was fairly mundane, nest checks for the morning, came back early afternoon due to the few nests to check, and then spent the remainder of the day entering data. The highlight of nest checks today was seeing the first Red-necked Phalarope chicks, four in one nest and three near another, both with papa phalaropes in attendance. The chicks were very striking, golden overall with dark flecks accenting the gilded coloration and nice little caps.

One of the chicks was out and about a bit more, and super cute with his disproportionately large feet and legs

As of today we are down to only 50 nests active or so, roughly 17% of our total nests of the season. However, at least it is nice now that some of the nests are going inactive because they’re hatching, rather than just all being eaten!

This baby Brown Lemming was also incredibly precious, about the size of my thumb. I kind of wanted to bring him home..

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